A friend who is pregnant has these symptoms: her stomach hurts from the navel to the top. This is the seventh month, a big belly, but she never had it before. I had similar pain in the second and subsequent pregnancy - it hurt my skin in the upper abdomen (when it was already large), the right side, especially when I wanted to bend down. Doctors have suspected some problems with my liver, but studies have ruled out this option, in the end diagnosis was not final. I've got my idea that it is strongly stretched abdominal muscle that was giving me hell, a little lubrication ointments helped, but I was scared to use them for longer time.
I wanted to bend down. Doctors have suspected some problems with my liver, but studies have ruled out this option, in the end diagnosis was not final. I've got my idea that it is strongly stretched abdominal muscle that was giving me hell, a little lubrication ointments helped, but I was scared to use them for longer time. Rachel