Diet in the 11th and 12th month of infancy

In 11 and 12 months of feeding the infant assimilates more and more to feeding an older child. Vegetables for a soup or mash coarsely shredded and did not wipe the screen. baby to get used to chewing and biting. Instead, we can give a child meat in soup or in a slurry of vegetable or lean ham finely chopped sirloin. We can also give baby fresh sausages previously boiled in water, peeled and pounded. The meat is served in the form of cooked pulpetu, and sometimes in the form of fried in butter or oil Chop (do not blush very fat). Introducing savory cream cheese with chives, and apart from the egg yolks and whole soft-boiled or cooked by steaming. We begin to give the baby milk ukiszone (special kwaszącymi tablets) or in the form of kefir or yogurt in addition to noodles, and cast a small short pasta or zacierki shredded on a grater. Infants more frequently can benefit from food intended for the whole family (soups, vegetables, potatoes, cooked meat, etc.), but should adapt to the needs of the infant.

Diet in the 9th and 10th month

At 9 and 10 month essentially introducing new foods we try, however, that the child received the most varied diet. Meals during that period are converging more and more meals the child at the age of introducing various soups (not just the mixed vegetables), such as borscht soup, cucumber soup with finely grated cucumber soup chosen cauliflower, kohlrabi soup, etc., various different grits and more coarsely chopped fruit. eg pounded strawberries tomato juice from oranges in half crosswise przekrajanych simply choose a spoon along with the flesh. Apples served peeled and divided into parts directly to the bite. In winter, fresh fruit compote partially replace, dried fruit jelly, fruit mousse jabłecznym and frozen (the latter can be used in canned fruits and jellies). At this time, we introduce the breakfast bread or roll pytlowy with butter and grain coffee or cocoa.

Diet in the 6th and 7th month

The 6-7 month baby can receive porridge półgęstą feeding spoon (per 100 g of milk porridge 6-7 g and 5 g sugar). Porridge can be mixed before serving with grated apple or osłodzonym przetartymi fruits (strawberries, raspberries, strawberries). After eating half a thick porridge baby can receive up to bout a little tea bath or compote. It is better to drink a spoon instead of a baby pacifier, and 6-7 month can no longer teach them to drink from a cup (a cup and a teaspoon of it is easier to keep clean than a bottle and pacifier.) Infants older instead of semolina porridge can be administered in Krakow, corn, oats, rice cooked until soft, etc. We can also cook the porridge on the water and add the grated cheese and grated apple with sugar.

In the 6th month introduce meat and mashed vegetables. As for the grade of meat, it can be applied to any lean meat, so: veal, lean beef, pork (loin, ham), mutton, as well as rabbit meat, poultry and freshwater fish, preferably freshly caught. The giblets can give the baby a fresh liver, thymus, heart, brain and tongue. The meat is served very softly cooked and shredded to a pulp (minced, chopped, scraped), and then again boiled with the soup. broth, or slurry with the vegetables.

prepared paste. Baby prepare curd of milk curd, nieprzekiszonego, previously boiled, acidified kwaszącymi special tablets. Cottage cheese made ​​with milk nieprzegotowanego not suitable for infants because it is heavily contaminated with coliforms. Slurry of curd are prepared with milk, sugar and possibly biscuit. Paste with curd is served as a separate baby food instead of breast-feeding or a mixture instead of milk. Therefore, the nutritional value portion must match the value of the meal. Since the difference between the volume of servings of milk and curd portion of the slurry reaches 50%. as an adjunct to volume (quantity), enter the tea with sugar or milk.

Diet in 4th and 5th month

At 4 months regardless of the enrichment of diet with vitamins and minerals start feeding baby food prepared and served additionally it (depending on the mode of feeding) instead of breast milk or mixed milk. The first dish, we are introducing a 4 week instead of one meal of milk, vegetable soup is a puree of vegetables (in the initial period with a predominance of carrots and potatoes), which is served for lunch. Serving soups must be equal to quantity of food the mother or a mixture of milk is appropriate for the infant's life span.

At 5 months of introducing a second additional meal instead of breast milk or a mixture of milk, ie, semolina and whole milk to the yolk. Yolk is a product of very high nutritional value, and therefore perfectly suited to complement her baby's diet enriched in iron, phosphorus compounds (lecithin), vitamin A, and besides, the nutritious protein and calcium. In the initial period of yolk served with baby vegetable soup, with the start of the administration of a teaspoon every other day and arrive gradually at 7-8 months of age up to 1 egg per day. Serve boiled them in the food after it is distributed soup, porridge with milk, jelly, etc., so that was beheaded in a very tiny, invisible to the eye fluff. Do not increase the specified amount of yolk, as some children are not easy on the alert. Porridge with milk can be administered in the initial period, ie in the 5th month of life in the form of semi-liquid (per 100 g of whole milk 4 g and 5 g of barley sugar), but we give her the pacifier.

Juice in infant's diet

Administration of the juice and vitamins infant begins gradually, such as vitamin C, we introduce the three weeks of age, przeciwkrzywiczą vitamin D (D3) in 3-4 weeks, and then introduce products containing vitamins A and B1. Vitamin D occurs in food products (except herring) in the minimum quantities and climatic conditions, we can not deliver her baby by the direct action of ultraviolet sunlight on the skin, as sunny days per year is very little and the child benefits from walking on a limited basis . Therefore, for the Polish conditions, developed by the Institute of Mother and Child Scheme infant nutrition, was accepted as a daily dose of 500 U mn. vitamin D3, but it is best applied in aqueous solution.

Vitamin A deficiency occurs mainly up to 4-5 months of age (that is, until the introduction of the baby's diet of vegetable soup and egg), and in that time, so we give a day 3 000 U mn. this vitamin. The main source of vitamin A is carrot juice and pulp from tomatoes and some vegetables such as carrot, spinach, squash, brussels sprouts, etc. Infants older we give vitamin A in addition to exceptional states, such as during convalescence, during the winter, as well as during certain diseases. Vitamins are best fed baby food immediately before or immediately after feeding, except that the meal served at one of vitamin C and B1, and at others - vitamin D3 and A. The first time early last evening meal, and vitamins do not give a better, because then the child is sleeping.

At the end of the first month or early in the second we introduce juices from fruits and vegetables, with the start of the administration of 1-2 tablespoons per day and gradually come up to larger quantities. At the end of the first year of a baby can receive per day 150 - 200 g of fruit in a different guise. Daily ration of juice or fruit it is best to divide into two portions and serve them before or immediately after a meal in combination with vitamin C dissolved in boiled water. The aim is to enrich the feed juices baby food in minerals (iron, potassium, calcium) and in certain vitamins, such as vitamins C and A. Juices should cook primarily from fruits and vegetables are a rich source of vitamin C and so with currants (black, red and white), strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, tomatoes, lemon, orange colored pumpkin, kohlrabi and turnips young.

Milk powder mix

It is better however to use the milk powder in artificial feeding and prepare a fresh mix for each meal, thereby avoiding the complications of long-term storage of mixtures and the possibility of digestive disorders in infants as a result of poisoning. In addition to milk, all the other products that we use for infant feeding, must be absolutely fresh and high quality and properly stored, because the infant digestive system is extremely sensitive and products that can successfully be used by adults or even older children, infants may cause problems in digestion. This applies to both fruit and vegetables, and flour products. such as flour, cereal, and butter, eggs, meat, sugar, etc.

Maintaining absolute purity is valid not only for preparing compounds and handling of milk, but also in preparing extra meals intended for infants, which include: vegetable soup and mash with vegetables, fruit juices, milk-semolina porridge, meat, sawn, mash cottage cheese, etc. Feeding infants. Regardless of whether the infant is fed breast milk or fed artificially, or receives a mixed diet, more or less the same time introducing the infant feeding by the introduction of prepared foods in addition to replace a meal with the child or the mother's breast milk mixture. As the child's growth and gradually extending feeding, and we reduce the order meals from the mother's breast milk or a mixture of doing so by the end of the first year of life.

Preparing the meal - artificial feeding of infants

The most important condition for the artificial feeding an infant is that the cow's milk is full fat, of excellent quality and free from bacterial contamination. If we can not provide liquid milk such a high quality milk powder we use first grade. Milk powder, among other advantages, it has the advantage over liquid milk that a baby makes them independent from the supply of liquid milk and the mother may at any time to prepare fresh baby food. It is very important, especially in hot weather, as liquid milk spoils easily if most appropriate temperature for storing milk is + 4 ° C, because only we can stop this temperature for several hours microbial growth. As at home in the absence of refrigerators and cold storage to obtain the temperature is often impossible, milk and blend for babies cool in running water, so as to obtain a temperature of about 10 ° C (assumed to tap adapted diameter hose, put a pot of stone, in which zakapslowanych bottles stored milk or infant formula, and so regulate the current of water that the water flowed very slowly into the pot and spilling over the top very slowly drifting away.) Cooling and milk mixtures in this manner is necessary in the summer, especially in those cases where we store them overnight for the morning feeding. The water flowing from the pot into a bowl or tray to be used for farming purposes (washing, etc.).

Artificial feeding of infants

In case of inability of natural feeding, or mixed, we are forced to use artificial feeding, namely that instead of food from the breast of the mother gives the infant liquid food prepared from cow's milk, ie. milk mixture. The results of this diet are generally worse than the exclusive or partial breast-feeding. This confirms the higher morbidity and increased mortality of artificially fed children, suggesting that breastfed infants are more resistant to any kind of infection.

Despite the very significant progress in the technique of artificial nutrition is not yet known such a mixture nutrition, which could replace food entirely feminine. Although well-mastered technique of artificial feeding can reduce the negative influences, but we will not be able to 'protect the infant milk microbiological purity and composition that has breast milk. This is because the composition of breast milk and cow's milk differs not only quantitatively but also qualitatively. This applies primarily to the protein bodies. Dilution of cow's milk in this way that the percentage of protein was the same as in breast milk, yet make them like these two foods, since both a type of protein in breast milk and amino acid composition is different, and by diluting the milk does not get the similarity, only exacerbates . Protein both in human milk, cow's milk as it is specific to the species and can not be totally replaced.

A further important difference is that the infant from the mother's breast sucking food is always fresh, unaltered, while still alive, no pollution, while cow's milk goes a long trek from time to time milking it to provide the infant with the result that is often contaminated and infected with bacteria. Such a diet is the healthiest baby.

Mixed feeding of infants

In cases of insufficient breast milk, or other causes and prevent mother completely, breast-feeding a baby can eat partially breastfed, partly artificial. Such a mixed diet is in any case be more than an exclusive artificial feeding. We serve more meals if baby from the breast, other times u give the baby milk mixture prepared as indicated by your doctor.

If there is a possibility of weighing the child at home before and after feeding at least once every few days, we can determine how much food the mother is missing due to a portion of the infant and her complement each mixture. This way of supplementing breast milk is the most preferred, but not always possible to use as a very demanding mother.

When the amount of breast milk is clearly decreasing, we must remember that even one meal a day for the infant is very important. Do not put baby to breast in the summer, since it is a time of year. in which infants often succumb to gastrointestinal diseases and all types of food poisoning. In infants fed breast milk in the gastrointestinal tract, there is a specific bacterial flora, which inhibits the growth of bacteria in the intestines and digestion of bacteria that can cause diarrhea.


Breastfeeding is the best way to feed the baby. The best food and best adapted to the needs of the infant is breast milk (breast milk), since it contains all the essential nutrients that are essential to maintain good health, proper growth and development of the child.
In addition, breast milk:

1) mother's milk does not contain pathogenic bacteria or other microorganisms saprophytic;
2) is heated to body temperature;
3) is always fresh, clean and ready for consumption;
4) contains a very easily digested and most digestible protein;
5) contains large amounts of digestive enzymes to help digest fat and starch (these enzymes are boiled in milk are destroyed);
6) contains easily digestible fat (fat globules in breast milk are lower than those in cow's milk);
7) contains the required amount of vitamins for infants, infants fed breast milk shall be fully contained in the milk amount of vitamins in the same state;
8) contains significantly more vitamin C than whole cow's milk, vitamin C oxidizes very quickly and all the manipulations (pouring milk, straining out, cooking, storage, etc.) in cow's milk almost did not occur;
9) contains a more equal amount of vitamin A, while in cow's milk vitamin A content varies depending on the season.

The very fact that the administration of breast milk infant nutrition are described as natural, indicates the great importance we assign this way of feeding infants. Today more and more mothers considered it their duty to breast-feed your baby, at least during the first months when the child system is most sensitive to any kind of infection. It was found at the same time that the impossibility of feeding in women is very rare (1 to 5%).


Water is widely distributed in nature compound. The average water content in the adult human body is about 60%. This means that the average, 72 kilogram man is made up of about 45 liters of water. In women, the higher amount of body fat, percentage of water is a bit smaller. The body of a newborn baby contains 75%, and the human embryo almost 98% water. Each body contains water and as such striated muscles consist of 75% water, 70% of the skin, connective tissue 60%, fat 20%, bone 25%, renal 80%, 70% of lung, liver 68%. Water is a substrate for many processes (eg digestion) or product (eg, breathing oxygen). Water is involved in the transport of substances in the body. The water in the body occurs in three areas: the intracellular space, in the extracellular space and in the intercellular space. These spaces vary in anatomical location, physiological functions and chemical composition. The fluid in the extracellular space are: blood plasma, tissue fluid and lymph. Fluid in the intercellular space includes: cerebrospinal fluid, the fluid in the chambers of the eye, the fluid in the body cavities (eg, peritoneum), fluid in the joint capsules and digestive juices found in the gastrointestinal tract (saliva, gastric juice, pancreatic juice, bile and intestinal juice). Water contained in our bodies is subject to constant exchange. A healthy body maintains a very strict control over the balance of fluids, in which even a 1-2% loss of water may adversely affect the functioning of the whole system. Without food we can survive several weeks, but no water - only a few days. Water has many benefits. Drinking plenty of water helps prevent constipation. In our society where many people are overweight, the fact that water is the drink totally deprived of calories (energy) is very important. Drinking water contain many different minerals. Their level in tap water varies from region to region of origin. Bottled water differs radically from it in terms of its content in minerals.

More carbohydrates

Glycosides are derivatives of sugars. Breakdown products of natural glycosides next sugars (mostly glucose) are: hydroquinone, purines, methyl ester of salicylic acid, hydrogen cyanide. Glycosides are generally colorless and bitter in taste, soluble in water and alcohol. Some of the glycosides exert a strong effect on the human body. The most dangerous are glycosides that contain cyanide, which blocks the respiratory chain at the cell level. Such glycosides are in oilseed cake, some feeds, seeds of bitter almonds, plums, apricots, peaches.

Saponins are amorphous substances soluble in water and strongly decrease the surface tension. Increase foaming and stabilizing fats, because sometimes they are used for the manufacture of soft drinks and halvah. Their use in many countries is prohibited because they cause blood hemolysis, inflammation of the ileum. They are also in legumes (antinutritious substances).

Tannins are polyphenols combination with glucose. Found in coffee and tea, in small quantities in mushrooms. Tannin forms insoluble compounds with heavy metal salts - so it can reduce the absorption of iron, copper, etc. The protein forms insoluble complexes by causing inhibition of digestion in the stomach.

Organic Acids
For the organic acids include: malic acid, citric acid, lactic acid, succinic acid. In its structure does not contain nitrogen, and their physical-chemical features are similar to carbohydrates. Give characteristic taste and smell, may also be a source of energy. Some organic acids produced during fermentation products (souring cucumbers, cabbage, milk). During combustion, these acids often a base, which is involved in maintaining acid-base balance.

The cellulose group

This group is commonly called cellulose fiber or fiber tract (food fiber)
Fiber is not soluble in water (cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin) - this is part of nourishment which the body does not digest, but it is essential; insoluble fibers accelerate chyme passing through the gut, which assist in digestion and prevent constipation. Cellulose is not digested by humans. Included in the cell walls of plants. It is made ​​up of glucose bonded 1,4-ß-glycosidic bonds. It removes constipation, prevents the formation of digestive tract cancers, lowers blood glucose levels, inhibits weight gain, Hemicellulose - polysaccharides, insoluble in water. Lignins remove excess bile acids and cholesterol from the digestive tract, preventing the formation of gallstones,
Fiber-soluble (mucilages, gums, pectin) - fiber fractions inhibit the transfer of food from the stomach into the small intestine, thus prolonging the feeling of satiety and allowing for better absorption of some nutrients, these fibers have the form of a sticky substance present in the cell walls of plants . Locks have the ability to bind large quantities of water, which are used as laxatives (stomach problems). Rubbers are widely used in food production as a thickening agent, form connections with cellulose, so giving. pentocelulozy. Pectins are used to manufacture jams, are soluble in hot water, composed of arabinose, galactose, D-galacturonic acid, methanol and acetic acid.

The Starch Group

Starch - the main reserve material of plants. It provides almost 25% of total daily energy. Foods containing starch gives a feeling of satiety and reduces hunger a long time. Structure of starch grains is varied and specific to particular plants,

Inulin - occurs in the tubers of dahlia, artichoke, chicory. It consists of fructose. It is a polysaccharide, which in digestion, absorption, excretion is not subject to any changes (sugar test)

Glycogen - reserve material of animal organisms and yeast. Muscle glycogen is mainly used to provide energy for their work. Glycogen in liver is used directly as a source of glucose for the brain and red blood cells. The liver can not synthesize it. Glycogen is broken down into glucose,

Chitika - polysaccharide built only with N-acetylglucosamine. Not exposed to animal and plant enzymes. Is the main supporting and building material of some bacteria, fungi, insects, crustaceans.

HDL - "the good cholesterol"

These are high-density lipoproteins. Result in lower total blood cholesterol levels by its transport to the liver, where it is eliminated - therefore act positively, inhibiting the development of atherosclerosis. HDL cholesterol collects redundant and moves it back to the liver that was processed by the body. It can also remove cholesterol in the arteries that is lying backwards atherosclerosis.

LDL - "the bad cholesterol"

These are low density lipoproteins. Lead to high blood cholesterol levels by its transport from the liver to the tissues - thus accelerating the development of atherosclerosis. Elevated levels of LDL cholesterol increases the risk of heart disease because this form of cholesterol deposited on artery walls. To reduce the level of this fraction should limit their intake of saturated fats and trans isomers (products of animal origin such as meat, butter, milk fat and margarine hardened, cakes, French fries, chips), increase consumption of foods containing soluble fiber, to maintain normal weight. The only source of "the bad cholesterol" in the diet are animal products and vegetable products (even those with high fat content) do not contain it. Too much "bad cholesterol" in the diet may increase the level of this component in serum, although some people have higher "burn" cholesterol from foods of animal origin. For the remaining one of the conservation measures is to reduce daily cholesterol intake to 300 mg.


At the beginning of the twentieth century discovered the link between cardiovascular disease and cholesterol. Increased levels of "bad" cholesterol and free blood plasma triacylglycerols in the most important risk factors for atherosclerosis. When the blood flows freely through the blood vessels, along with her to each cell are delivered nutrients and oxygen essential for life. Circulate in the blood of the compounds, which can damage the inside of our arteries (eg free radicals). The resulting damage in this way makes in these areas begin to settle fatty substances (mainly cholesterol) and platelets. Formed deposits that impede blood flow to many organs. Thus, to reach them, less and less oxygen, and progressive hypoxia leads to organ failure. Usually does not cover all the narrowing of the arteries, appears only on certain sections. The most common concerns of the coronary arteries that bring blood to the heart. However, remember that cholesterol is also a precursor of many important and necessary for the proper functioning of the body compounds such as sex hormones, adrenal hormones, vitamin D, bile acids.

Online threats and cyberstalking

Below you'll find extracts from a research among school children with real life examples. Let us remember that the schoolchildren's psyche is very fragile, and such experiences can lead to loss of confidence, depression, desire of isolation from peers. To protect your child from cyberbullying, you may want to install filtering software / parental controls, so that we can block and control the actions of dręczyciela9 their children when using the Internet.

Violation of the image:
"Someone on our class set up an account and impersonated to be me, and there are my pictures from various school trips and swimming pool. These pictures are horrible! All of them are watching now and laugh at me. A data write that I am willing and such horrible things. I was very ashamed."

"Apparently, one girl put on his blog a story about me. He writes there, untrue things that offend me, and the worst is that my data is given there, and my ICQ, so that others can write to me, what I am stupid ... "

"The last time someone breaks appear on e-mail my daughter. Her friends receive allegedly from her various messages (including obscene content), while it is not the recipient. Called me today one of the girlfriends mother's daughter and was indignant to such proceedings. I could hardly explain that it's not my daughter. "

"Once I talked with one Krzysiek chatting and I thought it was my friend. He's probably in love with me. But I did not want it to be something more. Unfortunately, once I sent him some very personal photos, and now he says that if you do not meet with him, he will send those photos to my parents and teachers in our classroom ".

The question: do you know to whom you can ask for help in a situation where you witness or victim of an Internet crime? - 234 persons stated that they know who to ask (parents, police, teachers), but did not know about the organization Helpline. There is also a page dyzurnet. com, where you can anonymously report found online illegal content. Dyżurnet recorded a month after hundreds of applications, most of which relates to pornographic material involving młodzieży.

The problem for young victims of the Internet and addressing this is one of the key issues emerging information society. It is extremely important that teachers and parents to know as much about the dangers generated through Internetu11 and how to counteract them.

If you are concerned about cyberstalking visit StalkInfo for information about cyberstalking law. you will find a list of useful resources on this page, as well as you can check if someone is stalking you on the Internet.

New child in the family

You're pregnant. That's for sure. In a few months there will be another member of your family. Belly will grow and you can not hide it even, and perhaps above all, from the child. How to tell your baby that will have a sibling? And we can hardly speak?

Children are extraordinary observers. You can not hide anything from them. For sure you'll have to tell the prospective older brother or sister that you expect their second child. When is the best to do this depends on the current age of the child. Elder can be said about this earlier, because it has a lot to understand. With the consent of your doctor, you can even take on an ultrasound. Then the child is someone special. He participates in family life. However, if two or three year old might want to wait until the pregnancy becomes visible. It is good to encourage your child to stroking, hugging growing tummy. Talk of the unborn baby. Behold the cartoons on this subject, read the book.

When a baby comes into the world also need to remember the role of siblings. Toddler can go with my dad to the hospital after a new family member with a gift of their choice for him. The child will be proud of, where it will provide your little brother or sister was visiting friends and family. Let him not feel left out. Interest should also be focused on him. If it is able to use the opportunity to leave a newborn in the care of my dad, and you select a child for a walk or ice cream.

It should talk to the children and prepare them to expand the family. They can be incorporated in the joint custody of the baby. Sam also should have a moment of quiet reflection and awareness of one's own feelings about pregnancy. It should provide future brothers and sisters, your joy and positive energy associated with the emergence of another child.

Baby's first word

The child is growing rapidly and at different stages of development need other assistance in learning to speak. Learn step by step, how to talk to your baby to get faster przyswajało another word.

Small baby

Talk to your child as much as possible. When they dress, cook - tell him what you are doing. Roo has no idea what you're saying, but "befriended" the language.
Imitate the sounds that a child seems like "a-gu", "eee." Your child will like and will gaworzyło more!

Older Baby

Talk to your child slowly, clearly and in short sentences. Use simple words.
Give your child a chance to respond to you, never, do not interrupt him. Because although the baby still does not say, it begins to understand the words often repeated in the circumstances known to him. For example, can happily tell anyone when you suggest to him to walk or swim.
Read your child rhymes. If it is not boring, even several times a day.
Show your child books with bright and colorful pictures. Show and call objects in the drawings.
Teach your child a short and meaningful gestures like "bye-bye," goodbye, or "halo-halo" to the phone.

Children between 1-3 years

Talk to your child normally, do not use terms which are used by a child.
Does not simplify the words under the excuse that the child will understand it more, for example, "Ciuciu" instead of candy.
Talk to your child, do not zdrabniając words.
Kids still not correct, because zniechęcisz her to speak.
Listen to your child - let them know that you are interested in what you say. Encourage him to continue the conversation.
Try to patiently answer any questions.
Ask your child to favor those who did, such as the grandmother in the park. In this way, will have to focus and find the right words.
Read your child stories, poems, sing to him. Encourage repeated to you, and if you want your baby to learn simple poem.
Behold the picture books together and talk about them. Will be enriched thanks to his vocabulary.

Foreign languages

My children learn foreign languages only in school. The basis is English, but also German and French. They must suffice it for now, except that fortunately have a pretty good head for languages. Unless they want in the future will have to take care of themselves broaden their skills. When they were smaller, watched cartoons in English, sometimes also listened to the tapes.

Life after 50

Researchers say that many people who are over 50 years old are fianlly able to concentrate on their own needs. Sense of security, stability and financial situation of life, a successful relationship and happy family - what more could you want?

Four in ten 50-year-olds stress that are more satisfied than at any other time in their lives. Many admit that they enjoy their own professional success, are also proud of the life path we have chosen for their children. It is crucial in giving a sense of happiness surveyed are frequent meetings with the family and a rich social life.

Nearly two-thirds of the over-50s feel more confident than ever. 85 percent. acknowledges that the things that worried them when they were 20 or 30 years are no longer relevant to them. One third of respondents admitted that no longer worry about my looks.

Ways to strengthen the resilience of children

Microbes like places where easily can change their hosts. Schools and kindergartens are the best example. During the season for infection, attendance in classes and nursery falls, as on an inclined plane. However, the increase of disease in children occurs at the beginning of the school year. Child's immune system, which at the beginning of the school year is experiencing severe stress, is significantly weakened. Therefore, about 3 week of September, the doctors note the significant increase in annual incidence of upper respiratory tract infections among students and preschoolers. Immune system (immune) obtains full and complete defense capability maturity until about 12 years of age. Unfortunately, not always able to respond effectively. Sporadic infections is a normal thing. The situation becomes serious when a child gets sick almost constantly. Continuous respiratory tract infections lead to a reduction in resistance. Common cold can then finish the complication, such as pneumonia or myocardial infarction. Resistance to all the body's mechanisms that protect us against the ingress of microorganisms. What can I do to strengthen your immune system and not be harassing viruses and bacteria?

Poland next year!

If you're (and you most probably are NOT) into football like me... And by football I mean "soccer", not american football! Then you could be coming to Poland next year. EURO 2012 Poland-Ukraine. Perfect opportunity to meet Polish friends and see some good kicking.


Fantastic family portal in Danish (if you speak Danish of course:). - waht a great idea! I visit this website regularly and can definately recommend it to people who have like reading the family stauff!

Abdominal pain during pregnancy

A friend who is pregnant has these symptoms: her stomach hurts from the navel to the top. This is the seventh month, a big belly, but she never had it before. I had similar pain in the second and subsequent pregnancy - it hurt my skin in the upper abdomen (when it was already large), the right side, especially when I wanted to bend down. Doctors have suspected some problems with my liver, but studies have ruled out this option, in the end diagnosis was not final. I've got my idea that it is strongly stretched abdominal muscle that was giving me hell, a little lubrication ointments helped, but I was scared to use them for longer time.

Traveling with young children

5 tips on traveling with children:

1. Even if your previous experience of traveling with a child were not the best, try to put them behind. The child grows up, matures to certain matters. A child can sense your mood. If you'll be upset and taken over what once had happened - your child will become anxious.

2. Packing stuff for the trip, encourage your child to packed their toys. It is important that the child felt the weight of events and the joy of travel.

3. Do not be lazy, do not take your TV with you. Instead of watching cartoons on the DVD's more likely to play with you. It will be happier and better endure the journey.

4. Say rhymes, sing songs to pass the time.

5. Ensure good visibility of the child, for example, place the seat in the middle of the back seat. A child learns by observing the world. Scientists believe that man has never subsequently acquires the knowledge as fast as in the first 10 years of age. Take advantage of this fact.